Nowell, P.A.

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Nowell, P.A.’s statewide practice in the area of real property tax appeals is taxpayer-oriented, helping clients to gain significant tax savings through reduced assessments. The benefits to property owners, however, go beyond mere dollars. In many instances, successful or pending tax appeals can make properties more marketable or easier to rent.

Real property tax appeals involve two basic issues – the true value of the property involved, and the appropriate percentage of true value at which the property should be assessed. Nowell, P.A. provides start-to-finish legal and support services in this area. These begin with an evaluation of a client’s property (together with a qualified appraiser) to determine whether a tax appeal is warranted. Nowell, P.A. then retains the necessary experts and handles all appeals, from the Tax Court of New Jersey or a county tax board, depending upon the size of the assessment in question – through the Appellate Division and the Supreme Court of New Jersey.

While any substantial property may be a successful candidate for a successful appeal, real property tax appeals generally present most significant financial benefits to owners of large industrial, commercial or multi-family residential rental properties. The firm’s clients in this area include many of the largest commercial and industrial entities and residential owners in the state. The firm welcomes the opportunity to evaluate properties for appeal potential, usually at no charge to the owner.

Tax appeals generally are handled by the firm on a contingency fee arrangement, although other fee arrangements including application of standard hourly rates, can be utilized.
